t: 01454 318 828

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Lighting and ventilation

Roof lighting

Providing better light transmission and working environments from corrugated clear roof panels, triple-glazed polycarbonate dome and barrel vault, sun pipes or bespoke glass and glazed units, TRS can fit them to all types of roof coverings and decks.

What is roof lighting?

Clear or opaque corrugated roof panels, triple-glazed polycarbonate domes and barrel vaults, sun pipes or bespoke glass and glazed units.

What are the benefits?

It increases the light into a building or space, improving the work environment. It gives the opportunity to incorporate opening lights for ventilation and access. Units can be manually or electrically operated.

Can my roof accommodate this?

All roofs can accommodate one or more lighting systems, although forming new openings for roof lights is more challenging on concrete decks or asbestos roofs.

Gutter services

Installation of insulated gutters and gutter liners.


Safety systems

Roof access and maintenance safety systems.


Have a project?

We can help. Get in touch and one of our team members can find the right solution for you.
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