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Yeo Moor Primary School

Yeo Moor Primary School

Removal of original single-ply roof and installation of a new cut-to-fall system.

Sector: Education

Roof Type: Flat roof

Service: Felting

What was the job?

The Yeo Moor Primary School flat roof repair was carried out by TRS roofing teams while the school remained fully occupational.

We specialise in carrying out high-quality roofing services while schools remain open and function as normal, with minimal disruption, while we work to improve their environment and safety.

This was a large project undertaken both during term-time and the summer break. TRS teams ensured the safety and security of pupils, teachers and site visitors while upgrading 20 different felt roofs. The project involved the removal of the existing single-ply membrane roof and the installation of a new insulated cut-to-fall system which required all fascia, window and abutment details to be re-designed.

It was a very challenging project, but we were pleased to complete it on time and to budget to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. The end result was a much improved environment for staff and students, with the added value of upgraded insulation.


Redesign roofs to incorporate new falls. Remove single-ply membrane roof and overlay with felt. Upgrade insulation.


Keeping the school fully operational while working on many roofs.


An improved environment for staff and students, with a new felt roof to new falls and added-value insulation.

GKN Imtech Inviron coating

The upgrade and repair of roofing and walls at a large production centre.


St Peter’s School

Replacement of the Roche building’s asbestos roof with a safer, more energy-efficient solution.