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Delivering responsibly

We are a socially responsible business, striving to deliver a positive impact – we care deeply about issues that are close to our hearts and homes. Sustainability is fundamental to the way we do business.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy ensures that social and environmental concerns are considered in all of our business operations.

We align our activities with the expectations of our stakeholders in relation to our economic, social and environmental impact.

Our policy is guided by four primary commitments:

1. Environmental responsibility

We are focused on the environmental requirements we are facing as a society and reducing the impact TRS has on the environment

We consider both what we deliver and how we deliver it. Our activities look at minimising waste, recycling, limiting energy consumption and responsible procurement.

  • We carry out environmental supply chain management to encourage suppliers to adopt environmentally sound practices and we award contracts with this in mind.
  • Where possible we choose suppliers that use environmentally friendly materials and seek to procure products from clean sources.
  • When selecting our supply chain partners, we consider shared values and behaviours and look to strengthen our local relationships and partnerships.
  • Our clients are made aware of our social value policy, and encouraged to assist us in achieving our goals.
  • For all our refurbishment projects we segregate and recycle waste material where possible.
  • We dispose of hazardous material in accordance with current regulations.
  • Where possible we remove and reuse any surplus materials.

  • Our workforce travel to sites in the same vehicle 86% of the time.
  • We take every effort to reduce energy consumption in our own office. Interventions include: 100% of lighting has been converted to energy efficient devices, all low traffic areas fitted with motion sensor lighting, when equipment needs replacing, we always replace with products with the best energy ratings.
  • Sustainability considerations are fully integrated in our business decision making for example PVC membranes but TPO products and moving away from the use propane gas hot works.

2. Community support

As part of our commitment to giving back to society and doing the right thing we are committed to giving back to the communities we operate in have been investing in local sport and charities for over 17 years.

Charitable donations:

  • £5k raised for the Pink Ribbon via a TRS charity race day – used the funds for local Breast cancer charities.
  • In collaboration with Jones Lang Lasalle raised £12k for Gympanzees, a local disabled children charity based in Bristol.
  • One of our managing directors raised £3k in sponsorship for SNM blood cancer.

Sponsorship of local sports/schools/social clubs:

  • We currently sponsor a local club Oldland Abbotonians FC by providing pitch boards.
  • TRS Roofing have previously sponsored North Nibley FC match wear.
  • Our sister company TRS Construction have sponsored training and match day wear for local FCs.

Supporting local charities in other ways – we regularly support charities with non-financial support, for example:

  • Held series of annual golf days in association with GKN Aerospace; Jessie May Trust (Local child hospice care and bereavement trust) raising £4k+.
  • We regularly support many of our local suppliers with charitable donations on request – average of 6 requests and £1.8k p.a.
  • Children’s Scrapstore Bristol where we take unused industrial items which they recycle them in line with their motto “making waste things into play things”.
  • We donate part full paint containers to the Bristol Community Re-paint organisation who re-sell at a very low price to make it affordable to the local community.

3. Local sourcing

Through our network of local labour and sustainable procurement methods, TRS deliver improved outcomes for local economies.

We aim to maximise opportunities by making full use of the local talent, skills and experience by always:

  • locally advertising for site and office-based positions Where possible we recruit our office personnel from the near vicinity – 90% of our office-based staff live within a 7-mile radius of our office.
  • Sourcing local contractors whenever possible.
  • To ensure the efficient use of equipment, we have a local hire policy unless we are confident purchased equipment can be utilised 80% of the time.

4. Skills and our people

  • With our comprehensive skills and training plan we encourage our people to embrace the learning on offer to grow their career and be the best they can be.
  • We strive for an inclusive work environment built on fairness, equality and wellbeing in which performance and long-term employability can be nurtured. We ask the same across our supply chain, with a procurement framework to ensure our partners act with equal integrity and responsibility.
  • We enhance our employees’ environmental awareness and understanding by discussing the specific site/job environmental considerations throughout the planning and mobilisation of all projects.
  • To support the wellbeing of our employed colleagues, we provide private medical care as part of their reward package.
  • We take a zero-tolerance approach to abuse, racism and crime.
  • We provide our managers with Equal Opportunities advice and support to ensure they have understanding of their obligations allowing them to manage their team fairly and equally in all areas of employment. We ensure all employees are aware of the company’s legal obligations, policies and internal procedures relating to the provision of Equal Opportunities.
  • Opportunities for employment, training and promotion are open to male and female candidates, candidates from all racial groups, candidates with or without disabilities, and candidates of any age, and of any sexual orientation, religion or belief. We will take a flexible approach to working arrangements.